AutoCon 0 Happened

AutoCon 0 Happened

It Was Amazing.

AutoCon 0 was a great experience. At approximately 300 people, it offered the right mix of intimacy and a broad spectrum of expertise.
Safety in the API Jungle

Safety in the API Jungle

APIs are a new attack surface. A hidden attack surface.

It’s a jungle out there and predators are homing in on the smell of fresh attack vectors and security vulnerabilities exposed by APIs.
Network Object, Thy Name is Contentious

Network Object, Thy Name is Contentious

Go Ahead, create a naming convention. I dare you.

The world of Information Technology is not spared from the agony of the naming process. Discussions involving naming and numbering conventions can turn into…
This Site Now Cooked by Hugo

This Site Now Cooked by Hugo

In CloudFlare’s kitchen, ingredients stored at GitHub

After five years of hosting this blog on the WordPress platform at my domain registrar, I’ve recently migrated it to static pages generated by Hugo.
The What and How of Pica8

The What and How of Pica8

Simple and flexible

Pica8 presented at Networking Field Day 28 to display why their system could be viable for keeping corporate initiatives and supporting IT projects on track.
Are You Swimming in a Secure Lane?

Are You Swimming in a Secure Lane?

Don't get eaten alive by security alerts

When swimming upstream against the rushing current of security alerts , accessing APIs may be the only way to avoid being eaten alive.